Website Statistics Bonjour est ce que quelquun pourra bien maider à répondre à ces questions grâce au texte svp 1 What has expressed one in five students in America 2 Why is fear

Bonjour est ce que quelqu’un pourra bien m’aider à répondre à ces questions grâce au texte svp ?
1- What has expressed one in five students in America ?
2- Why is fear the new reality ? What are the other emotions expressed by Americans ? Why ?
3- What must a school have related to “mass shootings ”? Describe all the elements that schools implement regarding security. Give details.
4- Why are teacher’s trainnigs so controversial ? What are the divergent opinions ? Explain
5- What are the successes that have been implemented regarding “ gun control ”?

Bonjour est ce que quelquun pourra bien maider à répondre à ces questions grâce au texte svp 1 What has expressed one in five students in America 2 Why is fear class=

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