Website Statistics 3Put the verbs in the present simple or in the present continuous Préset simple on 1 Mr Cooper always 2 The shop assistant 3 Kevin and Alan never 4 Look Freddy

3-Put the verbs in the present simple or in the present continuous. - Préset simple on 1. Mr Cooper always 2. The shop assistant 3. Kevin and Alan never 4. Look! Freddy.... 5. Now Mrs Caveman 6. Mrs Bingham 7.I..... 8. Mr Root always 9. Mum often a pound of sugar. (buy) ...the door now. (close) ...away glass bottles. (throw) two baskets. (carry) ..out of the window. (look) every Saturday. (go) the money at the moment. (count) 10. Listen! The manager 11. My friends often 12. We always. = ทา présent continu Choisissez le benten scapgez ......a box of eggs before buying them. (open) ..her change. (forget) a customer. (talk) .to the computer shop. (go) .our things in a basket. (put) merci de m'aider ​

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