Website Statistics software works Worked advocacy InterAmerican Source Anonymous practicalcest Foundation united discuss sucy P pacy com research help content Voices safely 31 Pro

software works Worked advocacy Inter-American Source: Anonymous practicalcest Foundation united discuss sucy P pacy com research help content Voices safely 3.1 Provide FIVE roles that the media has in reporting human rights violations in a responsible manner in a democratic society. 3.2 Explain the term "social media". (5x1)(5) (1x2)(2) (3x2)(6) 3.3 Discuss THREE reasons why social media could be considered as one of the best ways to combat human rights violations. 3.4 Recommend TWO possible strategies that social media platforms can implement to reduce the acts and challenges of human rights violations on their platforms. (2x4)(8) SUBTOTAL: [21] ​

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