Website Statistics B1 LISTENING The history of the leprechauns Je peux comprendre la légende des ltlt leprechauns gtgt Listen to the story and say if these sentences are true or f

The history of the leprechauns
→ Je peux comprendre la légende des
<< leprechauns >>.
Listen to the story and say if these sentences
are true or false. Justify your answers.
1 Leprechauns are usually depicted as very
tall old men.
2 In the beginning, leprechauns had green
clothes instead of orange clothes.
3 Leprechauns hate to dance.
4 Leprechauns are supposed to have gold.
5 According to the legend, while the soldiers
were fighting, they stole their gold.
6 If you capture a leprechaun, he must grant
you four wishes.
7 You must be careful with your wishes
because leprechauns are mischievous.

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