Website Statistics TO HAVE GOT amp TO BE 1 I3 books They interesting 2She my sister We twins 3 My father a fast car It red 4 We in the classroom We a text book 5 You a football pl

TO HAVE GOT & TO BE 1. I....3 books. They interesting 2.She my sister. We twins. 3. My father a fast car. It red 4. We in the classroom. We a text book. 5. You a football player. You a team. 6. Jack my cousin. He an ice cream. 7. Peter and Jack a motorbike. It big 8. The dog very dangerous. He long ears. 9. They in the kitchen. They a cake. 10. Anna car. It .... a nice car 11. My brother.... very tall. 12.1 an adventure book. It................. interesting. 13. You a police officer. 14. You and I an idea . My friend 15 a sister. She an actress.​

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