Website Statistics What is the type of the underlined verb in each of the following sentences Tick the correct answer in the table below Linking VerbSubjunctive moodTransitive Ver

What is the type of the underlined verb in each of the following sentences? Tick the correct answer in the table below. Linking Verb/Subjunctive mood/Transitive Verb/ Intransitive Verb: -The little boy (sounded) excited about the school trip. -This book on women and society (seems) to be interesting. -The judge insisted that the lawyer (be) quiet. -Sue’s boss asked that she (work) this weekend. -My supervisor suggested that I (accept) this new position. -Leila (passed) the paper to the student sitting behind him. -My friends (gave) me an unexpected gift for my birthday. -They (ran) to the finish line. All of them (danced) at my wedding party.

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