Website Statistics 1 Who are the three main characters Give their names and jobs whenever possible 2 In what country does the story take place 3 Who is calling the narrator 4 Nam

1. Who are the three main characters? (Give
their names and jobs whenever possible.) 2. In what country does the story take place? 3. Who is calling the narrator? 4. Name the narrator's friend and say what happened to her. B Detailed comprehension Read from the beginning to l. 20. 1. How does the narrator react to the call? (Choose one sentence and justify by quoting from the text.) a. She is delighted (ravie) and asks a lot of questions. b. She doesn't want to talk too much in the presence of her boss. c. She goes away because it is a private conversation. d. She interrupts the caller (correspondant) brutally. 2. True or false? Justify by quoting from the text. a. The narrator plans to go back home as soon as possible. b. The narrator feels that she has to stay with her boss. 3. How does the narrator feel in this part? (Choose one adjective.) a. furious b. uncomfortable (mal à l'aise) c. pleased d. amused e. proud (fière) 4. How does the caller feel at the end of this part? (Choose one adjective and justify by quoting from the text.) a. delighted b. excited c. dissatisfied d. indifferent e. hopeful (plein d'espoir) Read from l. 21 to the end. 5. Quote one sentence showing that the narrator doesn't want to bother (ennuyer) her boss with her problems. 6. When she learns what has happened to her assistant's friend, the narrator's boss is: (Choose two adjectives and justify by quoting a phrase from the text.) a. sympathetic (compatissante) b. sorry c. indifferent d. put out (contrariée) e. scared 7. Why does the narrator decide to stay with her boss? (Choose one sentence.) a. She feels that her job is more important than anything else. b. She doesn't want to see her father because she doesn't like him. c. She is afraid of not being paid if she leaves. 8. True or false? Justify by quoting from the text. a. The narrator's boss disapproves of her assistant's decision. b. The narrator's boss was very ambitious when she was younger. 9. Where does the whole text take place? (Justify by quoting from the text.) a. in a taxi b. on a bus c. in a hotel room d. in the underground (métro) e. on a plane 10. How does the narrator feel at the end of the text? (Choose two adjectives.) a. angry b. ashamed (honteuse) c. frightened d. relieved (soulagée) e. satisfied EXPRESSION Choose one of the following subjects. (150 words) 1. The narrator's father writes to his daughter to tell her what he thinks of her attitude. 2. Do you understand and approve of the narrator's attitude? Why (not)? Bonjour/ Bonsoir vous pouvez répondre a ses question svp en regardant le texte qui est en pièce jointe svp​

1 Who are the three main characters Give their names and jobs whenever possible 2 In what country does the story take place 3 Who is calling the narrator 4 Nam class=

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