Website Statistics 31 Which of the following senterices uses present perfect tense correctly A I have eaten breakfast an hour ago B She has been finishing her homework all night C

31. Which of the following senterices uses present perfect tense correctly? A. I have eaten breakfast an hour ago. B. She has been finishing her homework all night. C. They have gone to the beach every summer. D. He has went to the store to buy milk and other groceries. 32. The pupils will submit their project to Mr. De Castro tomorrow. By this time, the pupils their project to him. Which of the following best complete the given sentence? A. has been submitting B. submitted C. have submitted D. will have submitted 33. Peter got a job in a resort. After five years, the resort closed down. When the resort closed down, Peter A. worked working there for five years. B. had been worked 34. Children should drink eight glasses of water daily_ C. had been working D. will have been working to avoid constipation. C. in order to D. while What subordinating conjunction can best complete the sentence? A. after B. because 35. We would be at school on the weekdays listening to our teachers and gaining n knowledge. Which word denotes an adverb of place? A. our teachers B. on the weekdays C. new knowledge D. at school 36. What is the topic of the given persuasive essay? Yesterday when I was walking to school, I saw a street cleaner sit under the shade of the tree while his partner did all the work. Both of those people were getting paid. People need to take street cleaning more seriously. Street cleaning is important because it decreases the pollution, it gives our city a better look, and it increases employment. A. Importance of street cleaners B. Importance of Street cleaning C. The Work of Street Cleaners D. Being Good at Work 37. Which statement best support the given introduction of a persuasive essay? Should students get a reward if do something good and do well in school? A. Students should be given a reward and must be recognized if they do somet good or do well in school to reinforce good attitude. B. Doing good and doing well in school makes parents proud of their children. C. Parents should reward their children's good behavior. D. Teachers should model good attitudes. 38. How did the author get the attention of the readers of the given persuasive essay Persuasive Essay Imagine a child as young as ten years old on a social networking site ch with a grown man or grown woman. Should parents let their children as young as ten old be on social media? I think parents should not let their children or child be on social media be there are a lot of things that are said and done that a child of that age should not b to see. It is very inappropriate for parents to allow their child to be on social media because canimé ​

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