Website Statistics Kead the text and do the activities below The show opened on time Sound of sirens Motorcycle cops Then two big black cars filled with big men in blond felt hats

Kead the text and do the activities below.

The show opened on time. Sound of sirens. Motorcycle cops. : Then, two big black cars filled with big men in blond felt hats pulled up in front of the school . The crowd seemed to hold its breath. Four big marshals got out of each car and from somewhere in the automobiles they extracted the littlest [...] girl you ever saw, dressed in shining starchy white, with new white shoes on feet so little they were almost round, her face and little legs were very black against the white. The big marshals stood her on the curb and a jangle of jeering shrieks went up from behind the barricades. The little girl did not look at the howling crowd but from the side the whites of her eyes showed like those of a frightened fawn. The men turned her around like a doll, and then the strange procession moved up the broad walk toward the school, and the child was even more a mite because the men were so big. Then the girl made a curious hop, and I think I know what it was. I think in her whole life she had not gone steps without skipping, but now in the middle of her first skip the weight bore her down and her little round feet took measured , reluctant steps between the tall guards. Slowly they climbed the steps and entered the school.

1. Divide the text into three different parts: "a strange procession, a terrifying show", "the tiniest girl in the world".
2. Find other titles.
3. Into 3 different columns, list the words describing the atmosphere, the girl and the men.
4. Write a personal description.
5. What can you say about the author's message? ​

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