Website Statistics Complet the sentence with correct form verbs bring to if necessary 1Iprefer listening speak 2She would preferwork alone 3They would ratherlive in detached house

Complet the sentence with correct form verbs, bring « to » if necessary

1.I———--(prefer) listening—— (speak)

2.She would prefer—--(work) alone.

3.They would rather------(live) in detached house

5.She would prefer-----(prefer) to use his phone to check his emails.

6.They prefer to wait here rather than-----(go) there

7.My teacher prefers asking questions to———(answer) theme

8.They would rather———-(write) a new report than edit the old one

9.Ecem—-(prefer) hanging out with her friends.

10.They would prefer -----(discuss) the issue now.

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