Website Statistics STUDENT B BUCCANEERS1 Write down the nationalities of buccaneers2 Find expressions about buccaneers and use them to create a definition3 Pick out a passage from

1 Write down the nationalities of buccaneers.
2 Find expressions about buccaneers and use them to create a definition.
3 Pick out a passage from the text to define a pirate. Rewrite it in your own words.
4 Compare buccaneers to other pirates.
5 Focus on the origins of the buccaneers. Explain their lifestyle and their name,
8 Present your text to your classmate
Buccaneers were
regarded as ...

STUDENT B BUCCANEERS1 Write down the nationalities of buccaneers2 Find expressions about buccaneers and use them to create a definition3 Pick out a passage from class=

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