Website Statistics 8 Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses puis dire sil sagit dune action en cours OGA dun Present simple P dun Simple Past SP ou dun Present Perfect PP 130 Alic

8. Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses puis dire s'il s'agit d'une action en cours (OGA), d'un Present simple (P), d'un Simple Past (SP) ou d'un Present Perfect (PP) (130) Alicia ° Keys (be) born in Hell's Kitchen neighbourhood in Manhattan in 1981. .../ 3-(OGA- P- SP - PP) .../2 • She (become) famous with her hit << Fallin' » in 2001...../ 3 (OGA-P-SP - PP) .../2 Currently, she (play) in «Hell's kitchen », a stage musical* inspired by her early life in Manhattan. ..../ 3 (OGA-P-SP - PP) .../2 • She declared: << That's what ! (learn) creating and watching Hell's Kitchen; that there's so much that connects us all. ..../ 3 (OGA-P - SP - PP) .../2 ​

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