Website Statistics Lesson 2 Jurassic World recruitment testsB TEST 4 Map readingTextbookp 95b Pay attention to the park key and the logos on the mapImagine what tourists will do o

Lesson 2 Jurassic World recruitment tests
B. TEST #4: Map reading
p. 95
b. Pay attention to the park key and the logos on the map.
Imagine what tourists will do or see in each place.
Mosasaurus Feeding Show
Tourists will see all sorts of flying creatures.
Cretaceous Cruise
Gentle Giant Petting Zoo
Water Park
Tourist. Wiles.
Gondola Lift
Tourist Will see
Underline the attractions and rides in green and the parts of the island
where you can go on safari in red.

Lesson 2 Jurassic World recruitment testsB TEST 4 Map readingTextbookp 95b Pay attention to the park key and the logos on the mapImagine what tourists will do o class=

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