Website Statistics make an oral presentation of your favourite singer band talk about hisher identity personal life personalitystyle of music tastes or talents activities habitsla

make an oral presentation of your favourite singer band .

talk about his/her identity, personal life, personality,style of music, tastes or talents ,activities ,habits,latest news and use of social networks


utilise : le présent be+ing,les adverbes de fréquence , le prétérit , des mots de liaison et des "gaps-fillers''(well,you see, you know...)





aidée moi je suis nulle en anglais (je n'est pas de préférence pour le chanteur )

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My favorite singer is Katy Perry . She has start to sing very young ! YOu know , she is the alone people who she is no bad. It is not stuck or vulgar. In her videos she is pretty

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