Website Statistics Voici mon exercice danglais quelquun pourrait il maider a le comprendre svp à qui demande et réponds 1 Look at this lovely ring Meg 2 There is an umbrella on th

Voici mon exercice d'anglais quel'qu'un pourrait il m'aider a le comprendre svp ?!
à qui? demande et réponds. 1. Look at this lovely ring! (Meg) 2. There is an umbrella on the desk. (Ken) 3. This cap isn't mine.(the teacher) 4. Those scissors are not hers. (my friend) 5. Look at these red biros! ( the Head)

Répondre :

1. Whose lovely ring is this? It Meg's ring.
2. Whose is the umbrella on the desk? It's Ken's umbrella.
3. Whose cap is this? It's the teacher's cap.
4. Whose scissors are those? It's my friend's scissors.
5. Whose red biros are these? It's the Head's red biros.

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