Website Statistics Construire des phrase au supleratif avec les élément suivant 1 Tom old classe 2 Jane small familly 3 Book interesting read 4 Shoes expensive buy

Construire des phrase au supleratif avec les élément suivant: 

1. Tom - old- classe

2. Jane - small - familly

3. Book - interesting - read

4. Shoes - expensive - buy 

Répondre :

1. Tom is the oldest in his class.

2. Jane is the smallest in her familly.

3. This book is the most interesting to read.

4. These shoes are the most expensive to buy.

Tom is in an old classe. Jane has got a small family. This book is interisting, i read it. Shoes are expensive, i buy it. JE NE SUIS ABSOLUMENT PAS SURE !!

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