Website Statistics Find ten daily activities in the wordsnakegotobeddhavelunchogetuphhaveashowerocleanyourteethmgetdressedetidyyourroomwgotoschoologohomerhavedinnerkhavebreakfast

Find ten daily activities in the wordsnake.


Répondre :

- go to bed (aller au lit)
- have lunch (déjeuner)
- get up (se lever)
- have a shower (prendre une douche)
- clean your teeth (brosser les dents)
- get dressed (s'habiller)
- tidy your room (ranger sa chambre)
- go to school (aller à l'école)
- go home (rentrer à la maison)
- have dinner (dîner)
- have breakfast (prendre son petit-déjeuner)

Il y en a un de plus alors choisis ;)
go to bed/  Have lunch/  Get up/ Have a shower/Clean your teeth/ Get dressed/ Tidy your room/Go to school/ Go home/ Have dinner. Have breakfast

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