Website Statistics poème en ANGLAIS SUR LE THEME DE LECOLE ne pas faire copier coler de poème français connu sinon jaurai 020 coeff 3 vraiment besoin daide je vous enverrez plein


ne pas faire copier coler de poème français connu sinon j'aurai 0/20 coeff 3 !

vraiment besoin d'aide ! je vous enverrez plein de point si votre réponses est bien !

Répondre :

This morning I got kidnapped,
In a center town,
I was stopped
by a man,
I was grabbed by my coat,
I was shoved in a car,
He put a blindford
on my eyes and,
My legs were tied,
With rusty chain,
We rolled for few minutes
Then I was shoved in a house,
I was pinned in the chair,
I was stuck in a corner,
in a room,
Then,there was a knife
close my stomach
That's why I'm late for school !

en éspérant t'avoir aidé

This morning I got kidnapped,
In a park,
By a man and a woman,
They asked me to go with them,
I refused,
I was shoved in a bus,
There is nobody, 
C'est Un Poeme Rigolo Qui Explique Le Retard

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