Website Statistics Cest Urgeeeeent pour demain Utilisez les verbes becomebe bornhavebeginbediejoinstudyrunbebelose pour completer la biographie de John Fitzgerald Kennedy JF kenne

C'est Urgeeeeent pour demain Utilisez les verbes ( become,be born,have,begin,be,die,join,study,run,be,be,lose) pour completer la biographie de John Fitzgerald Kennedy J.F kennedy ......... ...........on May 29,1917,He....................the second son of a weathy family of Irish descent.He.........eight brothers and sisters.He Harvard University.In 1941,he.........the Navy.His political career..................in1946 when he........for Congress on the democratic ticket.He ............. only 29.He never election.In January 1961 he ................ the thirty-fifth President of the United Sates,the youngest man and the first Roman Catholic ever elected to the presidency of the United States.He immensely popular president,at home and abroad.He ............................. on November 22nd 1963,assassined in Dallas

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was born, was, had, studied, joined, began, lost, was, ...

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