Website Statistics Ce dialogue nest pas naturel avec toutes ces répétitions Réécrisle en utilisant des pronoms compléments Mario John can you give me my CDs back John Sorry I have

Ce dialogue n'est pas naturel avec toutes ces répétitions ! Réécris-le en utilisant des pronoms compléments.
Mario: John, can you give me my CDs back.

John: Sorry, I haven't got your CDs. Greg's got your CDs. Ask Greg. Mario: OK.
Mario: Hey, Greg, have you got my CDs?

Greg: Er, no, sorry. My sister's got your CDs. Phone my sister. Tell my sister to meet you and me at 3, after school.​

Répondre :

Mario: John, can you give me my CDs back?

John: Sorry, I haven't got them. Greg's got them. Ask him. Mario: OK.
Mario: Hey, Greg, do you have my CDs?

Greg: Er, no, sorry. My sister's got them. Phone her. Tell her to meet you and me at 3, after school.

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