Website Statistics FINAL TASK GOING ON THE BAYOU Your project you are a reporter for the Louisiana High School Gazette and you are preparing an article to follow up the story of M

FINAL TASK GOING ON THE BAYOU Your project: you are a reporter for the "Louisiana High School Gazette" and you are preparing an article to follow up the story of Marcel, the boy who collapsed at the "Boo of Krewe Festival". In your article you must: - Recap what happened at the Boo of Krewe Festival and precise what happened after the festival with Rose and Seraphina (past tense) - Make references about slave history in Louisiana (black code, conditions of slaves on plantations, what was allowed and what was forbidden) X3 example Give information about Marcel's family past concerning slavery End with a catch phrase about Marcel's condition. Respect de la Respect consigne du contenu demandé Sélection des Choix Informations et richesse des idées Grammaire Lexique Très Bonne Maitrise Maitrise Satisfaisante Maitrise Maitrise Fragile Insuffisante 3 2 1 des aspects historiques Louisianals 4 3 2 1 (esclavage, black code) Prétérit Voix passive 4 3 2 1 Richesse de la langue 4 3 2 1 Cohérence Respect de l'ordre des 4 information 3 2 1 Cohérent et logique 20 ligne minmum​

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