Website Statistics Bonjour Active amp Passive Voice Q Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice a The two officials are signing the treaty b She has writte

Bonjour Active & Passive Voice
Q. Change the following sentences from active voice to passive
a. The two officials are signing the treaty.
b. She has written a novel.
c. The lion was chasing the deer.
d. Mother made a pancake yesterday.
A pancake was made
e. Anna sent the mail.
by moth

Répondre :

Réponse :

a) the treaty is being signed by the two officials

b) the novel has been written by her

c) the deer was being chased by the lion

d) a pancake was made yesterday by mother

e) the mail was sent by anna

Explications :

il faut changer la place du sujet par celle dun complement et ajouter un auxiliere. il faut aussi mettre les verbes au participe passe (3e colonne des verbes irreguliers ou ED)

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