Website Statistics Reformulate the question Fill in the blanks with these words injustice In case of I what would I to actions take defend my freedom 2 What word meaning combat ca

Reformulate the question. Fill in the blanks with these words. injustice In case of. I what. would I... to actions take defend my freedom? 2 What word, meaning "combat", can complete these two phrases? a) - for your rights (rhyming). b) Freedom-_ 3 What do these words mean to you? Find synonyms or examples for each. er (alliteration). Break Fight I want to break free! 200 stole Free c) ​

Reformulate the question Fill in the blanks with these words injustice In case of I what would I to actions take defend my freedom 2 What word meaning combat ca class=

Répondre :


1) c'est dans cet ordre : Injustice ; actions ; take ; defend


a) fight b) fighter ( er est déjà noté )


break veut dire détruire/sortir des normes : synonyme : to destroy ( détruire )

free veut dire le sentiment de liberté : synonyme : release (libérer)

fight veut dire se battre pour ses droits, pour ses valeurs,( fight for ...) ou contre quelque chose ( fight against ...) synonyme : battle ( combat )

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