Website Statistics cerit Posez la question comme dans lexemple cidessous Exemple Ask your friend what she did after watching TV What did you do after watching TV Ask your friend a

Posez la question comme dans l'exemple ci-dessous.
Exemple: Ask your friend what she did after watching TV.
→ What did you do after watching TV?
Ask your friend:
a. when he went to the USA.
b. what time she left her office.
c. what she was doing when her parents came back from work.
d. who he gave breakfast to.
e. what her parents had for dinner.

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Réponse :

Posez la question comme dans l'exemple ci-dessous.


Ask your friend what she did after watching TV.

→ What did you do after watching TV?

On remarque :

Mot interrogatif + did + sujet + base verbale ....?

Ask your friend

a. when he went to the USA.

→ When did you go to the USA?

b. what time she left her office.

→ What time did you leave your office?

c. what she was doing when her parents came back from work.

→ What were you doing when your parents came back from work?

Attention : ici la phrase est au prétérit be + BV-ing

Question : Mot interrogatif + was/were + sujet + BV-ing ...?

d. who he gave breakfast to.

→ Who did you give breakfast to?

e. what her parents had for dinner.

→ What did your parents have for dinner?

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