Website Statistics Crouve les mes correspondent aux definitions re A child whose parents are dead b A person who directs worker C A building where many people work wring machines

②Crouve les mes correspondent aux definitions re A child whose parents are dead b. A person who directs worker C. A building where many people work wring machines d. A building where very foor people and children in Belair for a bed and food->​

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Réponse :

a. A child whose parents are dead: orphan

b. A person who directs workers: supervisor

c. A building where many people work with machines: factory

d).A building where very poor people and children can receive a bed and food: shelter / workhouse

Explications :

Attention, en fonction du texte que tu as

shelter ( refuge / abri ) ou  workhouse ( si tu travailles sur Oliver Twist ... )

Pareil pour "supervisor", il est possible que tu trouves un autre mot dans ton chapitre, texte

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