Website Statistics 2 Discours directindirect One of my first encounters with prejudice happened when I was too young to remember but Ive heard my mother tell the story She and I w

2. Discours direct/indirect

(One of my first encounters with prejudice happened when I was too young to remember, but I've heard my mother tell the story. She and I were standing at a bus stop). It was a hot day and I was thirsty, so we walked up the block to a small diner, where she asked if she could have a cup of water for her son. The man said he could not help us and closed the door in our faces.

The Soul of a Butterfly, Muhammad Ali, 2004.

Ali: "Mum, I'm thirsty." His mother: "Could I have a cup of water for my son?" The man: "Sorry, I can't help you." b. Repère dans le texte les phrases correspondant au dialogue

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2 Discours directindirect One of my first encounters with prejudice happened when I was too young to remember but Ive heard my mother tell the story She and I w class=

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2. Discours direct/indirect

(One of my first encounters with prejudice happened when I was too young to remember, but I've heard my mother tell the story. She and I were standing at a bus stop). It was a hot day and I was thirsty, so we walked up the block to a small diner, where she asked if she could have a cup of water for her son. The man said he could not help us and closed the door in our faces.

Ali: "Mum, I'm thirsty."

avec un verbe inroducteur >Ali said he was thirsty                                  Dans le texte I was thirsty

His mother: "Could I have a cup of water for my son?"

She asked if she could have a cup of water for her son.

The man: "Sorry, I can't help you."

The man said he could not help us

b. Repère dans le texte les phrases correspondant au dialogue

elles sont soulignées

Pour la pièce jointe

I'm thirsty = I was thirsty

I can't   = I couldn't

attention  changement de temps uniquement si le verbe introducteur est au passé.

S'il est au présent, rien ne change

Un autre modal en -ld => would

could prétérit de "can"

would prétérit de "will"

souligner les déterminants possessifs et le pronoms

les reportez dans le tableau et leurs équivalents au discours indirect

discours direct                                             discours indirect

his mother                                                         his mother (GN introducteur)

my son                                                             her son

I can't help you                                                 he couldn't help us

je ne sais pas s'il faut faire tout le texte ou juste la fin....


l'ordre des mots

discours direct >

Could   I have a cup of water for my son ?

====> phrase interrogative

discours indirect >

She asked if she could have a cup of water for her son.

=====> Phrase  interrogative indirecte

au discours indirect l'ordre des mots change.

Le point d'interrogation ? est supprimé

On construit la phrase interrogative indirecte  comme une phrase affirmative


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