Website Statistics Form Adjectives from the following Nouns Ease pity time heaven health wealth love hill need green pain wonder peace child cost Form adjectives from the followin

Form Adjectives
from the following Nouns: Ease, pity, time,
heaven, health, wealth, love, hill, need, green , pain, wonder, peace, child, cost.    
Form adjectives from the following verbs

Act ,fear,  educate, offend, care, ignore, hope, create, benefit

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Réponse :

Ease = easy

pity = pitiful ( pitoyable )

time = timely 

heaven = heavenly

health = healthy

wealth = wealthy

love = lovely 

hill = hilly ( vallonné )

need = needy

green = green  

pain = painful ( douloureux )

wonder = wonderful 

peace = peaceful

child = childish ( enfantin ) 

cost. = costly ( coûteux /cher )

Act = active

fear = fearful ( peureux / craintif ) 

educate = educated 

offend = offended 

care = careful 

ignore = ignorant  

hope = hopeful 

create = creative 

benefit = beneficial ( bénéfique/avantageux )

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