Website Statistics 2 Complete one of the files according to your role ROLE A You are the journalist Look up the explorer chosen by your classmate on the Internet datescountries vi

2. Complete one of the files according to your role.
You are the journalist.
Look up the explorer chosen by your classmate on the Internet.
(dates/countries visited/experiences...)
2 Write down as many questions as you can to prepare your interview.
3 Select some useful phrases to welcome the interviewee and to conclude your interview.
4 Practice reading your questions with the correct intonation.
→Précis phonologique fiche 4
5 You're ready now!

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Exercice 10:

Djibril posséde une rizières de 6,3ha.llrepique les 2/3 de cette rizières et irrigué les 5/7de la surface repiquée.

1.Quelle est,en M2,l'aire de la surface repiquée


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