Website Statistics 1 List 03 Nomngovernmental organisation in your country and say dor not 2 List two local charities of your region 3 say wich of der three Non governmental organ

1) List 03 Nomn-governmental organisation in your country and say dor not 2) List two local charities of your region 3) say wich of der three Non governmental organisation . Montcommed above is as most importent and why ?​

Répondre :

Sure, I can help you with that:

1) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in my country:
a) Red Crescent Society
b) Transparency International
c) Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)

2) Local charities in my region:
a) Community Food Bank
b) Shelter for the Homeless

3) Among the three NGOs mentioned above, BRAC is considered the most important. BRAC is one of the largest NGOs globally, with a significant impact on poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, and women's empowerment in Bangladesh. Its comprehensive approach to development and its extensive reach across the country make it a pivotal organization in addressing various social and economic challenges faced by the population.

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