Website Statistics Bonjour je ne comprend pas comment faire quelquun peut maider

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Transposer ces ophrases à l'impératif

a- I don't eat beluga whales. It's an endangered species. (you)

  Don't eat beluga whales, it's an endangered species.

b- We put warm coats on  because it's freezing. (we)

Let's put warm coats on , it's freezing !

c- You need to bring some good equipment to hike (you)

   Bring some good equipment to hike.

d- We are not going to swim, the lake is frozen (we)

 Let's not swim, the lake is frozen !



you > Base verbale  affirmatif / négatif = Don't + BV

we > let's ( = let us) + BV  /  négatif let's not + BV


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