Website Statistics A Put the following sentences into the simple past 1 They like chocolate They like the clove 2 We dont play soccer 3 I carry a box 4 You open the door 5 They bu

A) Put the following sentences into the simple past
1. They like chocolate. They like the clove
2. We don't play soccer
3. I carry a box
4. You open the door
5. They buy (*) a car
6. He helps his mum
7. Do you work?
8. There is a book (*).
9. We play golf.
10. I am rich....).
11. Mr and Mrs Johnson go (*) to town
12. Are you intelligent?)..
13. I study hard
14. We aren't crazy (*).
B) Translate
1. Hier, j'ai écouté la radio
2. Le mois passé, il est venu (*) ici
3. Quand j'étais jeune, je vivais dans cette maison
4. Où es-tu allé vendredi dernier ? Je suis allé (*) au ciném
5. Quand ils étaient en Belgique, ils ne buvaient pas de bièr
O Correct the mistakes
1. The last week, I helped him.
2. There are three months, she lived with us.
3. Did you be intelligent?
4. They didn't bought a new house.
5. She plaied tennis.
6. Worked he with you?
7. The baby cryed.
8. Did you called the police? Yes, I did.

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