Website Statistics Past simple 1 Write the past simple tense of these verbs run write swim sleep teach read buy bring say 2 Now write the infinitive said taught brought slept boug

Past simple 1 Write the past simple tense of these verbs. run - write - swim- sleep - teach - read - buy- bring - say - 2 Now write the infinitive. said - taught - brought - slept - bought - read - ran- wrote - swam -​

Répondre :


Run :
I ran
You ran
He/she/it ran
We ran
You ran
They ran

Write :
I wrote
You wrote
He/she/it wrote
We wrote
They wrote

Swim :
I swam
You swam
He/she/it swam
We swam
You swam
They swam

I slept
You slept
He/she/it slept
We slept
You slept
They slept

Teach :
I taught
You taught
He/she/it taught
We taught
You taught
They taught

Read :
I read
You read
He/she/it read
We read
You read
They read

Buy :
I bought
You bought
He/she/it bought
We bought
You bought
They bought

Bring :
I brought
You brought
He/she/it brought
We brought
You brought
They brought

I said
You said
He/she/it said
We said
You said
They said


Said :
To say

Taught :
To teach

Brought :
To bring

Slept :
To sleep

Bought :
To buy

Read :
To read

Ran :
To run

Wrote :
To write

Swam :
To swim

Voilà j’espère t’avoir aidé


1 Write the past simple tense of these verbs.

run - ran

write - wrote

swim- swam

sleep - slept

teach - taught

read - read

buy- bought

bring - brought

say - said

2 Now write the infinitive.

said - taught - brought - slept - bought - read - ran- wrote - swam -​

... Ils sont tous dans la première partie .... à toi de jouer

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