Website Statistics fais les comparaisons comme indiqué comparatif de supériorite comparatif dégalité 1 Mount Everest is 2 This film is3 This exercise is 4 But it is 5 The weather

fais les comparaisons comme indiqué

(+) comparatif de supériorite
(-) comparatif d'égalité

1. Mount Everest is
2. This film is
3. This exercise is
4. But it is
5. The weather is
6. My brother is
7. But I am (+ patient) him.
8. Mike is
9. Karen is
10. She is 11. Your cake is
12. A car is
13. Paul's father is
14. You are
15. His car is
1(+high) Mont Blanc
2= interesting) the first one
4 (+easy) the third one. wwwwww (+bad) yesterday. www (+messy) me. wwwwww (happy) Paul to be here. wwwww (+ good) me at French. www(+ nervous) her sister. www (+ delicious) mine. (+cheap) a house. wwwww (old) yours. wwwwww (= impatient) Mike. (+fast) mine.​

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