Website Statistics Bonsoir jai besoin daide svppp Complète les phrases suivantes avec le complément du nom qui convient a My sister has a guitar its that you see on the sofa b The

Bonsoir j'ai besoin d'aide svppp

Complète les phrases suivantes avec le complément du nom qui convient.
a. My sister has a guitar: it's... that you see on the sofa.

b. The janitor lost his keys to close the museum: where are...?

c. I love the song Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley: it's... I like the most!

d. I like these steps that my teacher invented. ... are easy to learn. ​

Répondre :

a. My sister has a guitar: it's **hers** that you see on the sofa.

b. The janitor lost his keys to close the museum: **where are they**?

c. I love the song Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley: it's **the one** I like the most!

d. I like these steps that my teacher invented. **They** are easy to learn.

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