Website Statistics Complete the sentences with the words in the box noticeboard wish superstitious 1 I called Peter to 21 get 3 Melanie is very wrong audition stage fright acting

. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. noticeboard wish superstitious 1. I called Peter to 2.1 get 3. Melanie is very wrong audition stage fright acting performance him 'Happy Birthday' when I'm in front of an audience. I just look at them and want to run. If a mirror breaks, she believes she will have bad luck for seven years. outside the office . 4. If you want more information about the new job, please look at the 5. You've studied very well for the test. Nothing can go 6. All great actors say 7. The singer gave a wonderful 8. Jason wanted to is my life' last night. for the school play but he couldn't remember all his lines.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box noticeboard wish superstitious 1 I called Peter to 21 get 3 Melanie is very wrong audition stage fright acting class=

Répondre :

1. "wish"
2.""stage fright"
3. "superstitious"
4. "noticeboard"
5. "wrong"
6. "acting"
7. "performance"
8. "audition"


Réponse :

1. I called Peter to wish ( souhaiter )him 'Happy Birthday'

2.1 get stage fright ( le trac )when I'm in front of an audience  I just look at them and want to run.

3. Melanie is very superstitious.  If a mirror breaks, she believes she will have bad luck for seven years.

4. If you want more information about the new job, please look at the

noticeboard ( tableau d'affichage ) outside the office

5. You've studied very well for the test. Nothing can go wrong

6. All great actors say ' acting  is my life'

7. The singer gave a wonderful performance ( représentation )

8. Jason wanted to audition ( passer une audition ) for the school play but he couldn't remember all his lines.​

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