Website Statistics Bonjour jai du mal à trouver pouvezvous maider svp Bonne journée 3 Adddedied to the end of the following verbs 4 Then listen to your teacher and write the sound

Bonjour j’ai du mal à trouver pouvez-vous m’aider svp

Bonne journée

3) Add-d/-ed/-ied to the end of the following verbs.
4) Then listen to your teacher and write the sounds you hear → -d / -id/-t.

1° to listen →
2° to clean →
3° to ask →
4° to try →
5° to talk →
6° to study →
7° to learn →
8° to cry →
9° to jump →
10° to miss →
(sounds like:..........)
(sounds like:..........)
(sounds like..........
(sounds like:..........)
(sounds like: ..........
(sounds like ..........)
(sounds like ...........)
(sounds like:..........)
(sounds like..........)
(sounds like..........)

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