Website Statistics 6 Réponds au quiz de ton professeur 1 Do you know August Of course I know 2 Does August have a good relationship with his sister Via Yes he likes very much 3 Wh

6 Réponds au quiz de ton professeur ! 1. Do you know August? / Of course, I know.... 2. Does August have a good relationship with his sister Via? Yes, he likes... very much. 3. When does August first meet Jack and Summer? He meets... on the first day of school. 4. Is August afraid of school at the beginning? / Yes, at first he finds... quite scary. Les pronoms personnels compléments Pour désigner des personnes ou des choses, on utilise des pronoms personnels: Pronom personnel sujet She truly wants the best for him. Pronom personnel complément I sat with her at the cafeteria. me you him/her/it us you them​

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Voici les réponses au quiz :
Si ça vous a aidé, n’oubliez pas de me donner mes cinq étoiles. Merci beaucoup!
1. Do you know August? / Of course, I know him.
2. Does August have a good relationship with his sister Via? Yes, he likes her very much.
3. When does August first meet Jack and Summer? He meets them on the first day of school.
4. Is August afraid of school at the beginning? / Yes, at first he finds it quite scary.

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