Website Statistics Bonjour je suis en 4eme et jai besoin daide pour un exercice en anglais sil vous plaît Reformule ces phrases pour expliquer les émotions du locuteur Exemple The

Bonjour je suis en 4eme et j'ai besoin d'aide pour un exercice en anglais s'il vous plaît :

Reformule ces phrases pour expliquer les émotions du locuteur.

Exemple :
The fugitive was alone in the dark wood. He couldn't see anything.

The fugitive was scared because he was alone in the dark wood.

Exercice :

1 ) I was in the river and I couldn't move : there was an alligator.

2 ) It was midnight and Papa was late. Where was he ?

3 ) Jacob could hear men talking. What if they found the secret door ?

4 ) Molly's mistress often whipped her.

Mercii d'avance aux personnes qui m'aideront!!

Répondre :

Pas de souci, je vais t'aider avec ton exercice en anglais :

1) I was in the river and I couldn't move: there was an alligator.
- I was terrified in the river because there was an alligator, and I couldn't move.

2) It was midnight and Papa was late. Where was he?
- Papa's absence at midnight made me worried. Where could he be?

3) Jacob could hear men talking. What if they found the secret door?
- Jacob felt anxious as he heard men talking. What if they discovered the secret door?

4) Molly's mistress often whipped her.
- Molly felt fearful and hurt as her mistress frequently whipped her.

J'espère que ces reformulations t'aideront à exprimer les émotions des locuteurs dans les phrases. Si tu as d'autres questions, n'hésite pas à demander!

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