Website Statistics 2Complète le texte en conjuguant les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit Once upon a time there we be two young people a prince and a princess They live in a c

2-Complète le texte en conjuguant les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit.
Once upon a time, there we ...... (be) two young people, a prince and a princess. They
(live) in a castle. One day, a dragon wine(arrive) and
(capture) the prince. The princess....wa.............(be) very upset but very determined. She
prince. Together, they
the castle,
(not / hesitate) to ask a witch to locate the
(have) an idea: she
. (manage) to free the prince. They
(return) to
(have) many children and
(live) happily ever after!

Merci si quelqu’un pourrait m’aider

Répondre :

there we were

they lived

a dragon wine arrived

the princesse was

didn't hesitate

had an idea

she managed

they returned to had

lived happily

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