Website Statistics hello can you help me please Fill in masterpiece predictable awards plotline audience novel still episode horror bestseller 1 I dont like plots at all I prefer

hello can you help me please

Fill in: masterpiece, predictable, awards, plotline, audience, novel, still, episode , horror, bestseller.

1 I don't like........ plots at all ; I prefer to be surprised.
2 How many..........did the Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey win?
3 Tracey doesn't enjoy...... films as they give her nightmares.
4 The ......... rose to their feet and applauded loudly.
5 The film is based on the classic ...... by Charles Dickens .
6 Many critics say that Picasso' the painting Guernica.
7 I mustn't miss Glee tonight; it's the last.....of the series.
8 Models should not move; they should stay......
9 Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games was a(n). ....... in lots of countries.
10 The story has got an interesting ....... .​

Répondre :

1. predictable
2. awards
3. horror
4. audience
5. novel
6. masterpiece
7. episode
8. still
9. bestseller
10. plotline



Réponse :

Fill in: masterpiece, predictable, awards, plotline, audience, novel, still, episode , horror, bestseller.

 1 I don't like predictable ( prévisible ) plots at all ; I prefer to be surprised. 

2 How many awards ( récompenses/prix ) did the Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey win? 

3 Tracey doesn't enjoy horror films as they give her nightmares.

4 The audience  rose to their feet and applauded loudly. 

5 The film is based on the classic novel ( roman )by Charles Dickens . 

6 Many critics say that Picasso's masterpiece is the painting Guernica.

7 I mustn't miss Glee tonight; it's the last episode of the series. 

8 Models should not move; they should stay still  ( immobile )

9 Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games was a bestseller in lots of countries. 10 The story has got an interesting plot line . ( intrigue )

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