Website Statistics Bonsoir pouvez vous maider svp merci Dis en français ce que tu as compris du texte

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Steve is a 20-year-old American student currently studying at the University of Sydney. He arrived in Australia on August 18th and has been there for six months. He's thrilled about his experiences in Australia so far, having visited iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock (Uluru), and Bondi Beach. He plans to explore the Great Barrier Reef and skydive over Cairns soon, although he admits feeling scared about the latter. Steve recently returned from Kangaroo Island, where he volunteered to help protect wildlife, particularly koalas. He's passionate about animals and has been involved in caring for injured koalas, feeding them, collecting fresh gum tree leaves, and cleaning their enclosures. Steve is eager for more exciting adventures in Australia.

D'accord, voici les lieux mentionnés dans le texte surlignés en bleu :Sydney Opera HouseAyers Rock (Uluru)Bondi BeachGreat Barrier ReefCairnsKangaroo IslandMaintenant, voici les photographies correspondantes :Sydney Opera House

Ayers Rock (Uluru)

Bondi Beach

Great Barrier Reef


Kangaroo Island

C'est tout pour les correspondances !

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