Website Statistics Bonjour pouvezvous maider sil vous plaît je suis pas très doué en anglais 18 Charlotte fait partie dun conseil municipal de jeunes Imagine un maximum de questio

Bonjour ! pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît je suis pas très doué en anglais...
18 *** Charlotte fait partie d'un conseil municipal de jeunes. Imagine un maximum de questions à lui poser. Utilise les éléments ci-dessous.
Ex.: Have you ever given a speech?
so far
campaign to change the law
give a speech
feel useful
try to influence decision makers
defend an issue in the municipal council​

Répondre :

Have you ever been nervous before giving a speech?

Have you always felt confident speaking in public?

Have you given any speeches so far that have significantly impacted the council’s decisions?

Have you ever tried to influence decision-makers on a particular issue?

Have you already led a campaign to change a local law or policy?

What issues have you always been passionate about defending in the municipal council?
Do you always feel useful and valued as a member of the youth municipal council?

Have you been yet able to see the direct impact of your work on the community?

So far have you ever faced challenges that made you reconsider your role in the council?

D'autres questions