Website Statistics Bonsoir ou bonjour jai un lège problème avec mon oral danglais pourriezvous maider merci davance Jai effectué mon stage dans un cabinet de Kiné pédiatrique Bien

Bonsoir ou bonjour, j’ai un lège problème avec mon oral d’anglais pourriez-vous m’aider, merci d’avance. J’ai effectué mon stage dans un cabinet de Kiné pédiatrique. Bien sûre je rajouterais les informations manquantes, MERCI BEAUCOUP D’AVANCE

Bonsoir ou bonjour jai un lège problème avec mon oral danglais pourriezvous maider merci davance Jai effectué mon stage dans un cabinet de Kiné pédiatrique Bien class=

Répondre :

Hello everyone,

Today, I want to tell you about my work experience at a pediatric physiotherapy clinic called "ChildCare Physio" located in our city.

During my placement, I worked from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. I helped the physiotherapists with therapy sessions for children who needed help with their movement and development. I also did some office work like making appointments and keeping the clinic clean.

I really enjoyed my time there. The team was friendly and supportive, and I felt like I was part of a caring community. It was amazing to see how the therapy helped the children get better.

I learned a lot during my time at ChildCare Physio. I learned how to be patient and understanding when working with children with special needs. I also learned how important physiotherapy is for children's health and happiness.

This experience confirmed that I want to work in healthcare, especially helping children. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have worked at ChildCare Physio, and I'm excited to use what I've learned in my future career.

Thanks for listening.

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