Website Statistics Bonjour pouvez vous maider au plus vite pour cette exercice

Répondre :


make your bed (faire son lit) : oui

tidy your shelf (ranger son étagère) : oui

turn off your computer ( éteindre son ordinateur) : non

dirty stocks (mettre ses chaussettes sales à laver) : non

feed thé goldfish (donner à manger au poisson ) : oui

Candy wrappers in the bin (jetter a la poubelle les papiers de bonbons) : non



Ben hasn't done his hair yet.

Ben has already done his bed.

He has already tidied his shelf.

But he hasn't turned off his computer yet.

He hasn't put his dirty socks in the wash.

He has just fed the goldfish.

He hasn't put the candy wrappers in the bin yet.

Present perfect

have conjugué (au présent = have/has) + adverbe + participe passé

adverbes = already (déjà), just (juste; à l'instant), not.... yet (pas encore)

Bonne journée☺☺☺

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