Website Statistics Complete the sentences with the words in bracketsUse the comparative form1 Taking the lift is2 Grandma does the shopping3 The house in Japan is4 Is walking down

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
Use the comparative form.
1 Taking the lift is
2 Grandma does the shopping
3 The house in Japan is
4 Is walking downstairs
(quick) than climbing the stairs.
(slowly) than I do.
(good) than mine!
5 She cleans the house
6 Jack washes the dishes
(difficult) than sliding downstairs?
(carefully) than her brother.
(badly) than Stella.

Répondre :



Explications :

Pour comparer en anglais, on utilise :

  • More...than pour "plus...que"
  • Less...than pour "moins...que"

Attention : pour les adjectifs courts (généralement d'une seule syllable), on utilise pas "more" mais la terminaison -er. Ex : He is taller than me (il est plus grand que moi).

Réponse :

1. Taking the lift is quicker than climbing the stairs.

Prendre l'ascenseur, ça va plus vite que de monter les escaliers.

2. Grandma does the shopping more slowly than I do.*

Mamie fait les courses plus lentement que moi.

3. The house in Japan is better than mine!

La maison au Japon est mieux que la mienne !

4. Is walking downstairs more difficult than sliding downstairs?

Descendre à pied est-il plus difficile que de se laisser glisser ?

5. She cleans the house more carefully than her brother.

Elle est plus appliquée que son frère dans le ménage à la maison.

6. Jack washes the dishes worse than Stella.**

Jack fait la vaisselle de façon bien pire que Stella.

*tournure peu naturelle en anglais
**tournure ridiculement peu naturelle en anglais

Cheers ;)




adjectifs longs

more + adjectif + than

adjectifs courts

adjectif + -er + than

si en  -y  > -ier (funny = funnier)

adjectifs se terminant par consonne/ voyelle/ consonne = on double la dernière consonne big = bigger / fat = fatter...)


good  =  better

bad =  worse   / the worst

far = farther  ou (further) selon le sens

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

Use the comparative form.

1 Taking the lift is quicker than climbing the stairs.

2 Grandma does the shopping more slowy than I do.

3 The house in Japan is better than mine.

4 Is walking downstairs more difficult than sliding downstairs?

5 She cleans the house more carefully than her brother.

6 Jack washes the dishes worse than Stella.

pour la 6, "badly" = worse au comparatif de supériorité comme "bad"


bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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