Website Statistics Pose la question sur les mots soulignés a Natalie traveled to Brisbane c Jane stayed in London e Michelle met Tomin Adelaide g Jane stayed in Sydney for 6days b

Pose la question sur les mots soulignés
a) Natalie traveled to (Brisbane)
c) Jane stayed (in London).
e) Michelle met (Tom)in Adelaide.
g) Jane stayed in Sydney for (6days).
b) My plane landed (at 3pm).
d) Natalie arrived in Melbourne (2 days ago)
f) Nicole came to England (5 years ago)
h) Mike went to Hobart (with Sam)

Les mots entre parenthèses sont les mots soulignés
Merci d’avance

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Pose la question sur les mots soulignés  

questions avec pronom interrogatif

a) Natalie traveled to (Brisbane)

Where did Natalie travel to ?

c) Jane stayed (in London).

 Where did Jane stay ?

e) Michelle met (Tom)in Adelaide.

Who did Michelle meet in Adelaîde ?

g) Jane stayed in Sydney for (6days)

 How many days did Michelle stay in Sydney ?

b) My plane landed (at 3pm).

  What time did your plane land ?

d) Natalie arrived in Melbourne (2 days ago)

How many days ago did Natalie arrive ?

f) Nicole came to England (5 years ago)

How many years ago did Nicole come to England ?

h) Mike went to Hobart (with Sam)

Who did Mike go to Hobart with ?


bonne journée ☺☺☺

Réponse :

Explications :

Where traveled Natalie?

Where stayed Jane?

Who met Michelle in Adélaïde?

How time stayed Jane in Sydney?

When arrived Natalie in Melbourne?

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