Website Statistics bonjour voilà mon exercice en anglais je ne le comprends pas le 23

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Réponse :

II. Complete the YES/No questions and the answers with the preterit of BE

Was + he/she/it ...?

Were + I/you/we/they ...?

1. Was Blackbeard Spanish?

No, he wasn't, he was British

2. Were  his enemies frightened?

Yes, they were.

Ill- Complete the WH questions and answer with the preterit of BE.

1. When was he born ? He was probably born in 1680.

Quand est-il né ? Probablement en 1680

2. What was his first job ? He was a privateer.

Quel était son 1er métier  ? Il était corsaire

3. Who were his enemies? His enemies were ...

Qui étaient ses ennemis ? Ses ennemis étaient ...

Il faut répondre avec le texte qui est au dessus ( mais coupé ...)

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