Website Statistics PractiseI Utilise les éléments proposés pour construire des phrases superlatifeverpresentperfect2 it is bad scene evershe act in3 he isfunnyactorwe ever work wi

I Utilise les éléments proposés pour construire des phrases superlatif+ever+present

2. it is /bad / scene / ever/she/ act in
3 he is/funny/actor/we/ ever / work with
4. she is / good/director/they/ ever / meet
5. this is / difficult / thing/I/ever / do
6.this hostel / strange / place / I/ever / sleep in

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Utilise les éléments proposés pour construire des phrases superlatif+ever+present perfect:

2. it is /bad / scene / ever/she/ act in

It is the worst scene she has ever acted in .

3 he is/funny/actor/we/ ever / work with

He is the funniest actor we have ever worked with.

4. she is / good/director/they/ ever / meet

She is the best director thay have ever met.

5. this is / difficult / thing/I/ever / do

This is the most difficult scene I have ever done.

6.this hostel / strange / place / I/ever / sleep in

 This hostel is the strangest place I have ever slept in.

present perfect

HAVE (au présent) + participe passé du verbe


adjectif long > the most + adjectif

adjectif court > the + adjectif + -est

                                     en y + -iest

Good = the best

Bad = the worst

Bonne fin de soirée☺☺☺

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