Website Statistics je dois rendre se devoir anglais pour dm mes je i arrive pas pouvais vous m aidais

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Réponse : ( voir pièce jointe )

flat tyre : pneu crevé

mobile : téléphone/mobile/portable

annoyed : énervé

snoring : ronflements

unpleasant : désagréable

lightning : éclair /foudre

heavy rain : fortes pluies

awake : éveillé/réveillé

storm : orage

Voir l'image acolom

Avec plaisir !

Tom's family arrived late at the campsite because it took a long time to repair the flat tyre.

Delia wasn't happy because she couldn't use her mobile which make Tom very happy.

Putting the tent up was pretty difficult.

They didn't have lightening because of the time yet Tom was so hungry that he took some biscuits hidden in the bag which awake Delia in her sleeping but made Tom very annoyed.

Tom was annoyed by his parents' snoring. The noise was so unpleasant that it kept him awake all night long.

The noise was getting closer and closer, louder and louder. He saw rain and heavy storm.

When the tent blew away he realized it was an enormous strom.

All the familly took refuge in the car and couldn't sleep at all.

Voila ! Si tu peux mettre plusieurs fois les même mots ! Sinon j'avoue que je ne sais pas par quoi remplacer !

Bon courage !

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