Website Statistics 69 Complète avec un pronom relatifa He paid tribute to the man fought againstdiscrimination 2 possibilitésb They held a protest at the place their leaderwas arr

69 ** Complète avec un pronom relatif.

a. He paid tribute to the man... fought against
discrimination. (2 possibilités)
b. They held a protest at the place... their leader
was arrested last week.
c. The women marched towards the statue ...
represents freedom. (2 possibilités)
d. I remember the time... we fought for the right
merciii beaucoup !!

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Réponse :

Complète avec un pronom relatif.

a. He paid tribute to the man who / that fought againstdiscrimination. (2 possibilités)

antécédent personne

b. They held a protest at the place where  their leader was arrested last week.

antécédent lieu

c. The women marched towards the statue which / that represents freedom. (2 possibilités)

antécédent objet

d. I remember the time when we fought for the right.

antécédent moment/époque

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